How many times have you lost your cash or cheque while standing in a queue for paying your kid's fee? How many times have you faced cheque bounce problem? We at Feepayr completely understand the difficulty that parents and students have to face during fee submission. For solving this fee submission problem, Feepayr has introduced a cloud-based online fee payment platform that helps students and parents to pay fees online without any difficulty.
What is feepayr?
Feepayr is an online cloud-based fee management system that allows parents and students to pay school fee online without wasting time by standing in long queues. A platform for all the institutes, including schools and colleges for managing hectic fee collection task with ease. It provides secure multiple payment gateways for easy transactions. Now parents and students don't need to worry about cash because they can pay fees through banks and digital wallets. All the cash deposits directly into the institute's bank account. A safe and secure solution for fee submission and collection.
How can Feepayr help parents/students and educational institutions?
A fee collection task is no doubt a very challenging task as lots of information need to be handled. Feepayr has introduced a system which helps schools and colleges to effectively manage fee collection procedure. Generally, in schools and college a lot of paperwork done for collecting the fee, saving student's data, issuing fee receipts and much more.
Feepayr saves infrastructure cost:
With the help of this platform now institutes can manage all these tasks without making many efforts. No need of paperwork, no high data servers needed, no need for receipts as this platform offer you a facility to not only collect fee online but also to manage student's data and issue e-receipt. The management system can have full control over the fee collection process.
Save time without standing in queues:
Parents and students need not to stand in long queues waiting for their turn for fee submission. This platform save much time. Now everything can be done from home; your physical presence is not needed. It offers multiple payment gateway solutions to parents/students to pay fees online with an option like a credit card, debit card, and net banking. Feepayr allots each student and parent with unique login Id to ensure security. The main benefit for students is that they can pay their school/college fees in installments.
Feepayr allots each student and parent with unique login Id to ensure security. The main benefit for students is that they can pay their school/college fees in installments.
Why is feepayr recommended?
Fast, safe and secure:
Feepayr works as rapid cloud-based fee management software. It provides unique ID to each student and parent for safe and secure login to the dashboard at anywhere anytime.
Easily Accessible:
It is easily accessible regardless of your location. This platform also provides an opportunity to pay fees online via smartphone